List of Approved Grade 4 CBC Course Books

The Ministry of Education in collaboration with Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and Ken- ya Publishers Association finalized the approval of Grade 4 CBC course books.

Schools, parents and members of the public are cautioned that the use of non-approved KICD curriculum support materials in schools is in contravention of Section 27 of the KICD Act of 2013. The government of Kenya has purchased a course book for each of the learning areas that will be delivered.

Books in Grade 4 cover the following subjects:

  1. English/Arabic/French
  2. Kiswahili
  3. Home science
  4. Agriculture
  5. Science & Technology
  6. Mathematics
  7. CRE/ IRE
  8. Music
  9. Art & Craft
  10. Physical & Health Education
  11. Social Studies


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